Too Good not to Steal. . .

From Ronnie Whitehead’s Blog
Brazos Pointe Fellowship

I don’t normally take complete posts from other bloggers, but this was really good. What do you think?

Need vs. Call

Is it a need? Or is it a call from God?

I was at a Small Groups Conference, not long ago, and a statement was made that, at that time, passed over my head and into a “I’ll look at that later” file. It’s one of those things that you hear, you shake your head, and say, “I knew that.” But the weight of it doesn’t hit until later on.

Here’s the statement that was made in context of seeing the vast numbers of needs around us every day:

“The NEED does not constitute the CALL. There are always way too many needs for me to meet.”

This really puts some pressure on me in one regard, but takes a lot of pressure off of me in others. I think we spend way too much time “accessing” needs, and way too little time “accessing” the call of God on our lives. The most recent opportunity has been all of this disaster relief from Hurricane Katrina. What an unbelievable amount of needs. Do those needs demand a true accessing? Yes! It’s a tragedy that has wrecked people’s lives. Do we need to be involved in it? Yes! Am I? Yes!

There’s a story that happened in the Bible surrounding Jesus, His disciples and a woman. This woman, in Matthew 26, came to Jesus and broke a very expensive vial of perfume over His feet and wiped it with her hair. The disciples tried to rebuke for wasting such a valuable commodity, but saying that the “need” was to sell that perfume and give the money to the poor. Jesus then turned and rebuked the disciples by making a shocking statement in vs. 10 when He said, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me… wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”


What did she do that was so amazing? I don’t want to steal any thunder from this weekend’s message at BPF, but let me end by saying this. The important thing is that we stay close to God and listen for His instructions; from His Word and from His Spirit that lives inside of us. Hearing Him, and obeying Him is the key. I have to continually ask myself, “Am I following the needs, or am I following the call of God on my life?” The good thing is, often times, those two intersect.

posted by Ronnie Whitehead @ 9:15 AM 0 comments

Romans – Brings it On

Notice how Paul just lays it out in Romans 1: No fluffy fun stuff other than regular 1st Century greetings: Then in Romans 1:18-32 he just crashes down the boom and lays bare the truth.

God abandons those who abandon Him, when they choose to follow their wanton desires instead of Him, he gives them over to those desires, and thus we find ourselves in bondage, not to the freedom we so desire but to the feeling, the ecstasy, the sin. . . .and what a miserable place to be. . .

Thank you Father for 1 John 1:9 . . .and Rom 3:23 and Eph 2:8-10. . .

wow. . . go God. . .


Grace Story

I’ve been thinking about this lately over the past couple of weeks. What’s my Grace Story?

Aside (The Doctors say Grandma may be able to come home Sat or Sun, please keep prayin’ and thanks!)

What’s a Grace Story? Good Question. . . A Grace Story is a personal story of God’s provision, plan, protection, patience, and or personal work in your life.

It can be as simple as the testimony of your salvation, to the daily paths He leads you on. It can be an interwoven thread of happen stances and aquaintances that working together lead you to the discovery of Truth. Whatever that story is that’s what I’m interested in. I think that’s what God is interested in. The more interested we are in how God is working and changing hearts and lives then the more desire we will have to share and to love those beautiful faces all around us. . .

So What’s your Grace Story?


Daniel 7 – That's tough

Daniel 7:9-10

The Ancient of Days:

“. . . and the books were opened.”

What’s in the book I ask? What’s that all about? Why does He sit down, what are all the people there for? Ay!!!

The Vision of Daniel (taken in forced exile to Babylon) A vision of 4 beasts then of a judgement. Tens of Thousands will be before the Ancient of Days: (GOD ALMIGHTY) and then He will sit and the books will be opened.

What might the books say? (I think they will have names) I think there will be a many books, but there will be books of the deeds of men and there will be a Book of Life (Psalm 69:28, Phillipians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Revelation 20:12, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:27)

Will God find your name in the Book of Life?

He will if you are trusting that Jesus Christ’s death on the Roman Cross nearly 2000 years ago has allowed Him to be the substitute sacrifice for the wrongs you have committed, If you have repented of those evils and trusted Him for your Salvation (Romans 10:9-10)

Repentance: What is it? Dictionary Definition with Greek word Explanation

Salvation: What is it? Dictionary Definition

I don’t know about you but I personally am in awe of the might, power, holiness, righteousness and Love of our Lord and God. . . our Pastor has been talking about a fear of God that seems to be missing today. . . I agree the Holy reverential fear and wonder at the Awesome Majesty and Power of a mighty and all power God who created the Universe and all that is in it and still condescened to come to us as a man a lowly baby born in a manger.


Catch a Vision –

“It’s seeing people come to church and go home alone; not knowing anymore people when they leave than they did when they came in. They leave as lonely as they came. They aren’t connected and they feel like they don’t belong.”
Ronnie Whitehead – Pastor of Fellowship Brazos Pointe Community Church – Lake Jackson, TX

Ronnie’s Encapsulates the realization of Vision

If you read the article, let me know what your Popeye moment was? I have to say that I’m not sure I’ve quite reached into and found it yet, but there are several moments that are clear.

Viewing our small church, in such a growing area of the Hill Country, knowing that more and more people were coming and we hadn’t kept up for more than 25 years at least. . . Knowing that if we kept going like we were going that the Church would go from stagnation to deflation and finally death. . .

I didn’t like the thought of our little Church dying. . . Let’s see what God wants to do with me, with us. . .?

I Cor 4:2

Okay so that Bible stuff it isn't all made up after all eh?

Workers discover The Pool of Siloam

Well, its happened again. The Bible has been proven based in fact. . . Here on the inside cover of todays newspapers is covered a story from Jerusalem. A modern day sewer repair crew has discoverd the Pool of Siloam really did exist and they found it. Miracuously preserved and a mere 200 yards from a rebuilt pool, the actual biblical fountain where Jesus healed the blind beggar has been found.

“a much grander affair” Archealogists exclaimed about the discovery when they realized the Pool had a larger structure and construction than previously believed.

It’s good to know that Scripture is rooted in fact and history.


Why didn't I see this on the News?

Whitehouse Transcript of Embryonic Baby Adoptions

I’ve recently seen a spate of editorials criticizing the President’s stand on embryonic stem cell research. This editorial charge and large scale press coverage of Sen Frist’s public endorsement of embryonic stem cell research (in opposition to his previous stand) has led to an outcry spearheaded by many who disagree with the President’s principled decision.

His decision is based on the belief that life begins at conception. . . This is not some fairy tale but scientific fact that when an egg and a sperm unite and form the beginings of life that genetically everything that will determine the physical attirbutes and makeup of the embryo are already cemented. The truth of the matter is their are hundreds if not thousands of embryo’s created in the pursuit of fertility for our nation and the worlds couples who face infertility. . . These embryo’s have no one to defend them or what they can become, they become an easy target of a quick fix and encourage a decision based upon the basis that their life is not as important as another persons life. Because of this the President has encouraged umbilical cord stem cell research, and adult stem cell research*1 which have already proven to be viable alternative to provide cures to current diseases. This fact is often ignored and bypassed. . . But our President didn’t forget.

In the initial link you will see the transcript of an event where 81 children attended. All of these were abandoned embryo’s the off shoots of infertility treatments that would have been slated for destruction or an eternal frozen sleep. . . And yet their families choose to donate and give up for adoption these small fragile lives to couples who could not have children of their own or who desired an embryo adoption. . .

So I pause to wonder, what if Embryo 81 who was adopted and born were slated to medical research instead? The life lost, the cures unfounded and the artistry and creativity missed. . .

The question isn’t what cures can be found by embryonic stem cell research or how many lives can be saved, but what is the moral cost to our society, that allows unborn children to be destroyed before they ever had a chance in the name of scientific progress? Especially when umbilical cord and adult stem cell research is already showing the promise of cures *2

As the President summarized:

” The children here today remind us that there is no such thing as a spare embryo. Every embryo is unique and genetically complete, like every other human being. And each of us started out our life this way. These lives are not raw material to be exploited, but gifts. And I commend each of the families here today for accepting the gift of these children and offering them the gift of your love. (Applause.)”

In His Service,



Found Faithful 2005

Moreover it is required of stewards that one be found faithful (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 4:2

I taught a lesson on this verse and Zechariah 7:4-10 which I blogged about a few days ago. ( We have a Prayer Breakfast every Fri at our Church. )

There were a few points that caught my attention on this but verse 5 speaks of God knowing the motives of our heart. . . Also in Zechariah 7, God is chastising the Religious Jews in captivity about just Fasting and Going through the motions. . .

That’s what God is speaking to me about. . . Don’t go through the motions, cause God knows my heart and He knows yours? If I say I am a Christian. . . then God knows the motives of our inmost being of why we take certain actions. . .It isn’t for us to judge our fellow believer on their Godliness, it is to God to judge the believer and the unbeliever. . . But it is up to us to share what we know. . .

I’ve heard an adage from my Preacher in Mesquite when I was growing up. . . He would say (and I’m sure he took this from someone . . . :))

“You know I’m just a blind beggar, showing another blind beggar where to find some bread. The Bread of Life.”

I believe its true. . .