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Whitehouse Transcript of Embryonic Baby Adoptions

I’ve recently seen a spate of editorials criticizing the President’s stand on embryonic stem cell research. This editorial charge and large scale press coverage of Sen Frist’s public endorsement of embryonic stem cell research (in opposition to his previous stand) has led to an outcry spearheaded by many who disagree with the President’s principled decision.

His decision is based on the belief that life begins at conception. . . This is not some fairy tale but scientific fact that when an egg and a sperm unite and form the beginings of life that genetically everything that will determine the physical attirbutes and makeup of the embryo are already cemented. The truth of the matter is their are hundreds if not thousands of embryo’s created in the pursuit of fertility for our nation and the worlds couples who face infertility. . . These embryo’s have no one to defend them or what they can become, they become an easy target of a quick fix and encourage a decision based upon the basis that their life is not as important as another persons life. Because of this the President has encouraged umbilical cord stem cell research, and adult stem cell research*1 which have already proven to be viable alternative to provide cures to current diseases. This fact is often ignored and bypassed. . . But our President didn’t forget.

In the initial link you will see the transcript of an event where 81 children attended. All of these were abandoned embryo’s the off shoots of infertility treatments that would have been slated for destruction or an eternal frozen sleep. . . And yet their families choose to donate and give up for adoption these small fragile lives to couples who could not have children of their own or who desired an embryo adoption. . .

So I pause to wonder, what if Embryo 81 who was adopted and born were slated to medical research instead? The life lost, the cures unfounded and the artistry and creativity missed. . .

The question isn’t what cures can be found by embryonic stem cell research or how many lives can be saved, but what is the moral cost to our society, that allows unborn children to be destroyed before they ever had a chance in the name of scientific progress? Especially when umbilical cord and adult stem cell research is already showing the promise of cures *2

As the President summarized:

” The children here today remind us that there is no such thing as a spare embryo. Every embryo is unique and genetically complete, like every other human being. And each of us started out our life this way. These lives are not raw material to be exploited, but gifts. And I commend each of the families here today for accepting the gift of these children and offering them the gift of your love. (Applause.)”

In His Service,


*1 http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/03/21/australia.stemcell/
*2 http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/Press_releases/2005/01_19_05.html

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