Daniel 7 – That's tough

Daniel 7:9-10

The Ancient of Days:

“. . . and the books were opened.”

What’s in the book I ask? What’s that all about? Why does He sit down, what are all the people there for? Ay!!!

The Vision of Daniel (taken in forced exile to Babylon) A vision of 4 beasts then of a judgement. Tens of Thousands will be before the Ancient of Days: (GOD ALMIGHTY) and then He will sit and the books will be opened.

What might the books say? (I think they will have names) I think there will be a many books, but there will be books of the deeds of men and there will be a Book of Life (Psalm 69:28, Phillipians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Revelation 20:12, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:27)

Will God find your name in the Book of Life?

He will if you are trusting that Jesus Christ’s death on the Roman Cross nearly 2000 years ago has allowed Him to be the substitute sacrifice for the wrongs you have committed, If you have repented of those evils and trusted Him for your Salvation (Romans 10:9-10)

Repentance: What is it? Dictionary Definition with Greek word Explanation

Salvation: What is it? Dictionary Definition

I don’t know about you but I personally am in awe of the might, power, holiness, righteousness and Love of our Lord and God. . . our Pastor has been talking about a fear of God that seems to be missing today. . . I agree the Holy reverential fear and wonder at the Awesome Majesty and Power of a mighty and all power God who created the Universe and all that is in it and still condescened to come to us as a man a lowly baby born in a manger.


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