Okay Thunderbird works for RSS!

Okay just a note this is a tech post.

You know I’ve been reading about the ever popular RSS feeds and seeing them online at several of my favorite sites, including this blog! Ha ha. . . check out this rss link. But you know I never quite got the usefullness of them. I mean okay so I can add a dynamic bookmark. . . Haven’t I seen this before? Yes. . . Pointcast . . . 🙂 an early news feed service that delivered news to the desktop. . . I thought what’s the point, and if the feeds are buried in my bookmarks, (I have way too many bookmarks. . . ) When am I ever going to use the feeds?

But now I’ve found the answer. . . Thunderbird rss / atom feeder aggregate. . . Thunderbird which is a free open source Outlook Express competitor has a built in rss/atom feeder and reader built in. Now I use Outlook for most everyday email, and third parties want extra dough to add this functionality to Outlook. So my answer to them is uhh. . .”No Thanks!” I d/l Thunderbird today to add on the desktops of a couple of my works agent workstations. And low and behold I found Thunderbird has this feature built in and of course at the standard Thunderbird rate of Free/Zilch/Gratis . . . what’s not to like! 🙂

Pick of Thunderbird with the RSS feed of my blog

Okay so now I can see how rss feeds can be helpful. . . Here in an easy to use swoop method all my favorite rss / news /info blog feeds are integrated and listed. . . I can read the stories as I have time or skip them. . . And they are searchable. . .nice. . .

So RSS (thumbs up) I know I know better late than never right?


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